Airlie Beach
Since be bought the camper trailer almost two and a half years ago, I have been very discipline writing this blog. Every night I find time to write about the day, what we did how we enjoyed it, the weather, what to look forward to. In all the trips I can't remember a night where I didn't write. Then I post the blog the day after we leave the camp. This trip has been no exception. Here at Airlie Beach I have written every night and right now it is Monday 20 July 2015.
Today we had a " technical" difficulty and everything I have written since leaving Townsville a week ago, has been deleted and unretrievable. So now I'm going to look at the pictures we've taken and try to rewrite the last week. Here we go.
14 July 2015
We left Townsville mid morning as we only had 2 hours to drive the Airlie Beach. We drove through to Bowen for a play at a park and lunch. The park was right next to a lake and was quite beautiful. In fact the nicest park of what we saw in Bowen. We couldn't find a cafe for lunch so went to Woolies got some rolls, baked beans and a salad then kept driving.
Just out of Bowen we stopped at "The Big Mango" for a very short time, just enough for a couple of pictures then on to Airlie Beach.
We arrived right on 2:00. We wandered the park and had a look at the facilities before setting up.
I went and got food for a BBQ dinner and Cate took Ethan and Aisha to the playground and jumping pillow. Dinner then the bedtime routine.
15 July 2015
We decided to head into Airlie Beach on Wednesday morning. We found the logo on pool with a playground and walked around the town. The kids had a ball playing on the playground and wading in the lagoon. We didn't take their swimming gear so we they couldn't go right in.
We bought Aisha a pair of crocs from one of the local shops and spent some time looking for a pair of sandals for Ethan because he has grown our of his current ones, to no avail.
We had lunch in the main street and Cate book a trip to Hamilton Island for later in the week.
The afternoon was spent swimming in the pool at the caravan park. There are 2 water slides and the pool is heated. The weather was perfect, not a cloud in the sky and not a breath of wind. After the pool we went to the jumping pillow again before another BBQ dinner before bed.
16 July 2015
We woke to another beautiful day. Perfect warm weather with no wind. We decided to ride our bikes into Airlie Beach, a 6.1km ride one way.
Before we left I found out that there is a ride along a footpath to a boardwalk which makes its way into the town centre.
Aisha has never ridden more than 1km before so I was wondering how she would go. Ethan is terrific on his bike and besides intersections is very independent. There was one small section, perhaps 200m that we had to ride on the road but up to the boardwalk was a great ride.
Just as we got to the boardwalk Aisha had a stack when she ran into the side of Cate. Although Aisha rides very well, she is still to master breaking and she is too short to touch the ground when sitting therefore prefers not to stop. I ride directly behind her and grab her when she need to stop. On that occasion I was a little slow getting to her.
The boardwalk began as a concrete path. There were several steep downhill sections and Aisha was a little apprehensive on the decent but handle them all really well.
The concrete turned into a real boardwalk. The boardwalk had balustrades and seemed to narrow the path considerably. Aisha has a bell on he bike and certainly let everyone know she was coming. Incredibly some people gave her little room to pass even after they turned to see a little dot riding behind them.
We arrived at Abell Marina and decided to stop for a snack and a coffee, tea and chocolate milkshake. It was beautiful sitting beside the marina watching the yachts and soaking in the sun.
We walked down the marina and had a close look at the boats, really I have no idea where people get the money for the over indulgent toys they have. It was an up close and personal view of how the rich and famous live.
Leaving the marina we continued the ride to Airlie Beach. We arrived at the same place we had been the day before and the kids wanted to play on the playground. They did that for a while then went for a swim in the lagoon. I had carried the backpack with their swimming gear.
We walked our bikes through the main street then had and ice cream before exploring more of Airlie Beach on the bikes.
We made our way back to the camper and rode all the way back with only one short stop for a water. We rode at least 7 km back non stop, I pushed Aisha up a few hills but she handled the bike really well. I was incredibly impressed with Ethan. He was extremely supportive of Aisha, encouraging her every time we came to hill, up or down.
The kids did really well as did Cate it was truly a brilliant ride.
Dinner was a "make your own burger" put on by the Big 4. Must say all profits go to a local disabled child.
Just before that we had a game of giant chess, Cate and Ethan Vs Aisha and I, great fun.
The dinner ran a little late but we had a ball. We were placed on a table with another couple who were spending 4 months travelling with their son the same age as Ethan. We had a great chat the kids had a ball and the food was great.
17 July 2015
Cate had wanted to do a horse trail ride on this holiday. Friday was her day. On Wednesday we book for Friday 11:00.
Being able to take our time in the morning, Ethan and Aisha were looking for a particular toy they had bought with them. I unlocked the car for them and they searched. While in Cairns, we were running out of room in the fridge and I had a brainwave to put fruit on ice in a little travel esky to keep cool. Unfortunately I had forgotten it was in the car and the kids spilt the now water with rotten fruit all over the back seat of the car. I really can't describe the smell. Ethan and Aisha put it perfectly when they came and told Cate and I that "it smells like vomit", it surely does.
Note to self - remember the fruit on ice before it becomes putrid.
We tried to clean up the mess, quickly then headed to the trail ride for Cate. It was a 1 on 1 ride, before her ride she organised for the kids to have walk around on the horse. It was amazing to see Aisha then Ethan riding a horse and I can't remember them riding before. Their faces were terrific while riding. I took Ethan and Aisha to the jumping pillow and the playground while Cate was riding. Cate had a good time riding but I was hoping it would be as amazing for her as the dive off Green Island was for me. Unfortunately it wasn't.
The ride was for an hour and after that we had lunch then back to Airlie Beach. (We are staying about 7 km from Airlie Beach central). On Wednesday I found an aqua park which is effectively giant inflatable sections in the ocean. It was cool and the water was cold, Cate and I were not to keen to go in the water but I'm very glad I decided to have a go and take the kids on the playground. We were 20 meters off the beach and had a ball playing on the inflatables. Aisha was very tentative as they moved and were very slippery.
There was a part where Ethan sat on the end of a pillow and I jumped on the opposite end and he went flying into the air and splashed into the water. He really enjoyed that and did it several times. We played in the Aqua park for nearly an hour before the kids (and I) got cold. I'm so glad I braved the cold and got wet that day, a lasting memory.
We got back, warmed up had dinner and then the bedtime routine.
18 July 2015
As mentioned Cate booked a trip to Hamilton Island and we left on Saturday morning, early. We got on the first ferry, we woke the kids at 6:00 and fed them when we got to the terminal. On the ferry they were still in their PJs. The sun was rising as we left the dock.
The wind was blowing quite heavily and the ferry ride was very rough. Compared to the ride to Green Island, Ethan did very well. Cate spent most of the trip staring at the horizon, and Aisha was sick just as we got to the wind protection of the island 5 minutes before we arrived. We got the shuttle straight to our accommodation.
One of the first thing I noticed upon arrival was the number of golf buggies on the island. They can be rented while on the island so that is what we decided to do. walking towards the rental place I noticed several people staring up towards the high rise building. I was totally surprised to see a monkey walking along the balustrade 5 or 6 floors up.
We then hire a golf buggy and decided to have a look at the entire island and then decide what to do. We drove the island in around 2 hours stopping for a bit to eat at the bakery.
We saw a type of shanty town on the south side of the island and were confused as to what it could be. We also saw a beautiful chapel, a terrific look out and the main shopping centre of the island.
We ate an ice cream at the main pool and had lunch at the restaurant. Then the kids spent a couple of hours swimming in the pool while we waited for our room to be ready.
Then I had a chat with Allen, a guy who's kids Ethan and Aisha had met days earlier at our caravan park. He told me that the filming of "Pirated of the Caribbean" was taking place just of the south side of the island and that explained the monkey we saw and the shanty town.
The room was ready then we went to the main pool where Cate had a cocktail the kids played in the playground again, a terrific afternoon.
Then back to the room for some warm cloths and headed to the lookout we found earlier in the day for the sunset. There were a heap of people at the lookout and it was a brilliant sunset.
Dinner at the restaurant near the pool and back to bed.
19 July 2015
I decided to get up before first light for the sunrise, at the lookout. It was very cold and I stayed there for around 45 minutes a little disappointed that it was overcast. Then off to breakfast.
We had a buffet, perfect for us. Ethan enjoyed fruit while Aisha had a hot breakfast. Cate and I and the kids ate until our stomachs could take no more.
Back to our room we packed for the day then headed to the beach. It was a little overcast and we played in the sand, made sand castles and destroyed then, brilliant beach activities.
Cate was very keen for a bushwalk so we headed to the Scenic Trail and began walking. It was very steep and we walked for quite a while before Turing around, we must have walked several kilometres in total.
We played in the playground for the rest rest of the day before having a picture with a koala. Then on the ferry back to Airlie Beach.
The trip was much calmer than the trip over.
We dinner at a local bar and grill for pizza and curry. Ethan and Aisha really enjoyed the music and danced on the stage entertaining the tourists and locals, the kids had a ball.
20 July 2015
We now get to today. This morning we had nothing planned. The kids played in the camper Cate and I spent much of the day reading. The car still smelt terrible so I spent much of the day drying to remove the small and small nice.
Another of those days where the batteries are recharged. Art from the "technical" difficulty with the blog a relaxing day.
Apart from today the weather has been brilliant. Tonight it's raining and was quite windy all day. It was also overcast and not much sun.
21 July 2015
Today was another of those recharge the battery days. There was nothing planned again. The kids played in the camper and on the jumping pillow and playground the entire day.
I did go for a drive to Shute Harbour. It is a very different place. There are several buildings there and not one of them was open. There was a van selling coffee parked parked under the verandah of the main complex and with the exception of a group of 40 odd going an a charter cruise, there were very few people around. Most of the looked homeless or were workers on boats or the marina.
The weather was the worst it has been since we left Yarragon. It was quite cool and drizzling for the majority of the day.
Tonight is the last night at Airlie Beach tomorrow we head to our last stop, Mackay.
I started this blog in April 2013 to document the travels of our family in the following years,
after purchasing of our first camper trailer.
The main aim of the blog is for a permanent record for our 4 kids;
Zaron, Laytten, Ethan and Aisha. (19, 18, 4 & 2 as of the creation of this blog)
The blog is also for family, friends and anyone who may be interested in where we have gone, what we have experienced and where we are going. Feel free to comment.
Wednesday, 22 July 2015
Wednesday, 15 July 2015
11 July 2015
I made a terrific prediction last night, there would be no rain when packing up this morning. Considering the rain last night and over the last couple of days it was more of a hope than anything else. Well it came to fruition. The rain stopped around 4:00 this morning and although most things were wet it wasn't raining.
We were packed and ready to leave just after 8:30 but decided to hang around and play in the same and paddle in the water considering it was the first time at Etty Bay that going to the beach was worth it. We left just after 9:00.
Our first stop was at Mission Bay. By the time we got there the weather had cleared perfectly. There was no breeze and the sun was beaming. The beach was perfectly white and the waves gently lapped at the shore. Walking down to the beach there was a huge red flag in the centre of the beach. I wasn't sure it that indicated the beach was closed or not. It didn't really matter if it was closed, we didn't have bathers or towels handy so we were on lay paddling and walking.
There were very few people on the beach and with the tide out the water was around 50 meters from the coconut trees. There was a couple 100 meters or so looking back and staring in our direction. We were the only ones on the beach and they seemed to be staring for quite some time, eventually I looked around and saw a guy standing next to the flag with a parachute. The red flag was a signal for the sky divers landing point. Looking up there were 15 or so tandem sky divers all landing on the beach about 20 meters from where we were standing. They came in silently and with my broad brim hat I had no idea they were coming. It was a fantastic display. One of the guys grabbed the flag and they were all gone in no time at all.
We walked along the beach for a while and decided to head back to the car. The beach was beautiful and went for as far as the eye could see. It was the first read time we have spent at the beach since leaving Yarragon.
We found a little cafe type bar for lunch. It was terrific, very child friendly. Ethan played pool for the first time in his life, we listened to the music and took in the hippy ambiance. We all had a terrific time.
We left Mission Bay and had a very quick stop in Ingham, toilet and a play in the park before arriving in Townsville.
The Walkabout Big 4 is having major road works happening right out in front of it and the GPS was having a difficult time getting us here. We drove past it several times before locating the entrance. I started setting up, Cate took the kids to the park and then we went into The Strand for dinner. It was a perfect night to be walking along the beach. Several life guards and parks officers were putting up signs telling of a recent crocodile sighting and closing the beaches. With the way they were working I'd suggest the sighting happened less than half an hour before we got there.
We found and ice cream place for desert then back to the camper.
Again it was very difficult to find the place with the road works happening but I'm sure I'll be right from now on.
It's interesting to note that Townsville is an considerably drier than Cairns, and even Mission Bay. Everything here is much browner and appears like it did when I was driving up through the centre of Queensland. It seems less humid and there are definitely less mozzies than there was in Etty Bay. I look forward to the next few days here.
12 July 2015
Cate said this evening that today was her Groundhog Day, again. It was a wonderful day. Throughout the night it was very windy, in fact I thought the awning would be flapping around, I woke more than several times due to the noise, but it wasn't. After a quick breakfast we headed to The Strand and spent all day there.
By the time we got there, around 9:00, the wind had died completely. We walked along The Strand and found the local swimming hole / pool with a playground where Ethan and Aisha ran around and had a really ball.
We played on the swings and paddled in the pool. Cate and I got a coffee / soy hot chocolate then wandered up to Kissing Point.
Before we went the Kissing Point we had lunch at a local cafe. We shared a fruit platter, french toast and a crasaunt. The bay in the back ground and wind non existent and the sun shining proved to be a perfect back drop.
We walked up the steps to Kissing Point and when we got there I spotted what I think is a crocodile. I did take a picture but it was so a long way away and when I zoomed in its difficult to see exactly what type of animal it is. I followed it for a while but it disappeared and reappeared and I only got 1 shot. I did tell the local life guards when we got down from Kissing Point. They were very interested in seeing the photo I'd taken. There had been a croc around the area for a while evidently and I was the first to take a photo of it.
Cate, Ethan and Aisha had started walking to the other end of The Strand while I spoke to the life guards. I eventually caught up with them and we had a very pleasant walk along the fore shore. We made it to an ice creamery and ate ice cream.
We had the most please walk along The Strand from one end to the other and finally arrived at a water park for the kids. Cate and I had a chat with the life guard, ironically from Leongatha, before hearing back to the car. We found and other park for the kids and I went and got the car.
We decided to go to the NQ aquarium and had a tour of the turtle hospital. It was great to see Ethan and Aisha intrigued with the turtles and we had a little time to have a look around. We mush have really rushed through the aquarium, we did it in about an hour.
Leaving the aquarium we went back to the camper for dinner and the normal routine.
It really was a wonderful day and besides the wind in the morning the weather was perfect.
Tonight the wind has sprung up again but the temperature is still so much better than it would be at home.
13 July 2015
Today we went to Magnetic Island. It was a perfect day and one of the best we have had since leaving Yarragon. Up early we left the camper around 8:30 for the ferry to the Island leaving the mainland at 9:30. It's a short 20 minute ferry ride to Magnetic, Ethan was a little nervous due to the ferry ride to Green Island but there were no problems with the trip. It was very windy again last night and still windy when the ferry left but it was relatively calm.
Arriving at Nelly Bay we hired a "Topless" car, it was pink and the kids were very excited to be travelling in it. Cafe wanted to go horse riding and there is a ranch near Horseshoe Bay so we headed there. Unfortunately no one was there and they weren't doing their afternoon ride so we went to the beach.
Arriving at Horseshoe Bay we went for lunch. A beautiful cafe on the beach for salad and nachos. Nachos are the kids (me included) new favourite meal. The food was terrific and the sun was awesome. We wandered to the beach and spent the next several hours playing in the sand the water and the kids were collecting "treasures". They found found some dead coral and other shells, even several hermit crabs in the shells to have a look at.
The day was truly perfect. The wind was non existent, the sun was hot, the water was warm, perfect.
We left Horseshoe Bay and went to Arcadia Beach which again was perfect. The beach was narrow but picture perfect. There were swings and a park for Ethan and Aisha to play in. Cate went and stood in the water for a while soaking in the ambiance. We pushed the kids on the swings for a while. Cate and Aisha had a moment today when Aisha wanted to push Cate on the swing. It was terrific to watch them interact and laugh while Aisha was pushing Cate, it was beautiful.
We then went to Picnic Bay and walked along the peer. Cate was nervous with the kids running along the peer, it was low tide and it water was a long way below the peer and one side had no hand rails.
Deciding to leave the island at 4:30 we went back to Nelly Bay and boarded the ferry for Townsville.
We ate dinner at the Seaview Hotel, calamari and chips and pizza for dinner. It was the first time I can remember taking the kids to a pub. A couple of guys were playing pool and the kids wanted to watch so Cate put them on a bar stool and they watched them play. They were clapping the good shots and I explained the rules to them. After that Aisha had a dance to the music that was playing. We left the pub and went to an ice creamery for dessert.
Back at the camper for a bath then bed. It was an amazing day and we had a terrific time.
Today school went back and it's the first time in my life I've been on holidays when school is in. I can definitely see a difference in the people who are on holidays. There were very few kids on Magnetic Island today, there were a few but no where near as many as the last couple of weeks. There are no kids in the caravan park tonight, every one here has no kids or are at retirement age.
There is a cold snap in Victoria at the moment but the weather here is amazing. Hot during the day and very mild at night. The perfect weather for sleeping.
Tomorrow we head to Airlie Beach, it's a shame to not spend more time here but I'm sure the next stop will be terrific.
A foot night tonight. As mentioned previously, most of the people I have have spoken to have been to Cape York (affectionately called "The Tip") well we made it to the tip today!
I made a terrific prediction last night, there would be no rain when packing up this morning. Considering the rain last night and over the last couple of days it was more of a hope than anything else. Well it came to fruition. The rain stopped around 4:00 this morning and although most things were wet it wasn't raining.
We were packed and ready to leave just after 8:30 but decided to hang around and play in the same and paddle in the water considering it was the first time at Etty Bay that going to the beach was worth it. We left just after 9:00.
Our first stop was at Mission Bay. By the time we got there the weather had cleared perfectly. There was no breeze and the sun was beaming. The beach was perfectly white and the waves gently lapped at the shore. Walking down to the beach there was a huge red flag in the centre of the beach. I wasn't sure it that indicated the beach was closed or not. It didn't really matter if it was closed, we didn't have bathers or towels handy so we were on lay paddling and walking.
There were very few people on the beach and with the tide out the water was around 50 meters from the coconut trees. There was a couple 100 meters or so looking back and staring in our direction. We were the only ones on the beach and they seemed to be staring for quite some time, eventually I looked around and saw a guy standing next to the flag with a parachute. The red flag was a signal for the sky divers landing point. Looking up there were 15 or so tandem sky divers all landing on the beach about 20 meters from where we were standing. They came in silently and with my broad brim hat I had no idea they were coming. It was a fantastic display. One of the guys grabbed the flag and they were all gone in no time at all.
We walked along the beach for a while and decided to head back to the car. The beach was beautiful and went for as far as the eye could see. It was the first read time we have spent at the beach since leaving Yarragon.
We found a little cafe type bar for lunch. It was terrific, very child friendly. Ethan played pool for the first time in his life, we listened to the music and took in the hippy ambiance. We all had a terrific time.
We left Mission Bay and had a very quick stop in Ingham, toilet and a play in the park before arriving in Townsville.
The Walkabout Big 4 is having major road works happening right out in front of it and the GPS was having a difficult time getting us here. We drove past it several times before locating the entrance. I started setting up, Cate took the kids to the park and then we went into The Strand for dinner. It was a perfect night to be walking along the beach. Several life guards and parks officers were putting up signs telling of a recent crocodile sighting and closing the beaches. With the way they were working I'd suggest the sighting happened less than half an hour before we got there.
We found and ice cream place for desert then back to the camper.
Again it was very difficult to find the place with the road works happening but I'm sure I'll be right from now on.
It's interesting to note that Townsville is an considerably drier than Cairns, and even Mission Bay. Everything here is much browner and appears like it did when I was driving up through the centre of Queensland. It seems less humid and there are definitely less mozzies than there was in Etty Bay. I look forward to the next few days here.
12 July 2015
Cate said this evening that today was her Groundhog Day, again. It was a wonderful day. Throughout the night it was very windy, in fact I thought the awning would be flapping around, I woke more than several times due to the noise, but it wasn't. After a quick breakfast we headed to The Strand and spent all day there.
By the time we got there, around 9:00, the wind had died completely. We walked along The Strand and found the local swimming hole / pool with a playground where Ethan and Aisha ran around and had a really ball.
We played on the swings and paddled in the pool. Cate and I got a coffee / soy hot chocolate then wandered up to Kissing Point.
Before we went the Kissing Point we had lunch at a local cafe. We shared a fruit platter, french toast and a crasaunt. The bay in the back ground and wind non existent and the sun shining proved to be a perfect back drop.
We walked up the steps to Kissing Point and when we got there I spotted what I think is a crocodile. I did take a picture but it was so a long way away and when I zoomed in its difficult to see exactly what type of animal it is. I followed it for a while but it disappeared and reappeared and I only got 1 shot. I did tell the local life guards when we got down from Kissing Point. They were very interested in seeing the photo I'd taken. There had been a croc around the area for a while evidently and I was the first to take a photo of it.
Cate, Ethan and Aisha had started walking to the other end of The Strand while I spoke to the life guards. I eventually caught up with them and we had a very pleasant walk along the fore shore. We made it to an ice creamery and ate ice cream.
We had the most please walk along The Strand from one end to the other and finally arrived at a water park for the kids. Cate and I had a chat with the life guard, ironically from Leongatha, before hearing back to the car. We found and other park for the kids and I went and got the car.
We decided to go to the NQ aquarium and had a tour of the turtle hospital. It was great to see Ethan and Aisha intrigued with the turtles and we had a little time to have a look around. We mush have really rushed through the aquarium, we did it in about an hour.
Leaving the aquarium we went back to the camper for dinner and the normal routine.
It really was a wonderful day and besides the wind in the morning the weather was perfect.
Tonight the wind has sprung up again but the temperature is still so much better than it would be at home.
13 July 2015
Today we went to Magnetic Island. It was a perfect day and one of the best we have had since leaving Yarragon. Up early we left the camper around 8:30 for the ferry to the Island leaving the mainland at 9:30. It's a short 20 minute ferry ride to Magnetic, Ethan was a little nervous due to the ferry ride to Green Island but there were no problems with the trip. It was very windy again last night and still windy when the ferry left but it was relatively calm.
Arriving at Nelly Bay we hired a "Topless" car, it was pink and the kids were very excited to be travelling in it. Cafe wanted to go horse riding and there is a ranch near Horseshoe Bay so we headed there. Unfortunately no one was there and they weren't doing their afternoon ride so we went to the beach.
Arriving at Horseshoe Bay we went for lunch. A beautiful cafe on the beach for salad and nachos. Nachos are the kids (me included) new favourite meal. The food was terrific and the sun was awesome. We wandered to the beach and spent the next several hours playing in the sand the water and the kids were collecting "treasures". They found found some dead coral and other shells, even several hermit crabs in the shells to have a look at.
The day was truly perfect. The wind was non existent, the sun was hot, the water was warm, perfect.
We left Horseshoe Bay and went to Arcadia Beach which again was perfect. The beach was narrow but picture perfect. There were swings and a park for Ethan and Aisha to play in. Cate went and stood in the water for a while soaking in the ambiance. We pushed the kids on the swings for a while. Cate and Aisha had a moment today when Aisha wanted to push Cate on the swing. It was terrific to watch them interact and laugh while Aisha was pushing Cate, it was beautiful.
We then went to Picnic Bay and walked along the peer. Cate was nervous with the kids running along the peer, it was low tide and it water was a long way below the peer and one side had no hand rails.
Deciding to leave the island at 4:30 we went back to Nelly Bay and boarded the ferry for Townsville.
We ate dinner at the Seaview Hotel, calamari and chips and pizza for dinner. It was the first time I can remember taking the kids to a pub. A couple of guys were playing pool and the kids wanted to watch so Cate put them on a bar stool and they watched them play. They were clapping the good shots and I explained the rules to them. After that Aisha had a dance to the music that was playing. We left the pub and went to an ice creamery for dessert.
Back at the camper for a bath then bed. It was an amazing day and we had a terrific time.
Today school went back and it's the first time in my life I've been on holidays when school is in. I can definitely see a difference in the people who are on holidays. There were very few kids on Magnetic Island today, there were a few but no where near as many as the last couple of weeks. There are no kids in the caravan park tonight, every one here has no kids or are at retirement age.
There is a cold snap in Victoria at the moment but the weather here is amazing. Hot during the day and very mild at night. The perfect weather for sleeping.
Tomorrow we head to Airlie Beach, it's a shame to not spend more time here but I'm sure the next stop will be terrific.
A foot night tonight. As mentioned previously, most of the people I have have spoken to have been to Cape York (affectionately called "The Tip") well we made it to the tip today!
Sunday, 12 July 2015
Etty Bay
9 July 2015
This morning was pack up day. We woke early and began packing bags and sleeping bags then went to breakfast by the pool, pancakes. The Coconut Resort really do things well. The was a large number of people wanting pancakes, yet the wait was not really that long. There were 3 guys attending 3 large BBQs, 3 people at the door of the pool gate writing names and where people live on stick name tags and another 2 guys mixing the pancake batter with cordless drills. They have been doing pancake breakfasts for a long time and they certainly have the procedure down pat.
The weather turned just after breaky and there were a few light showers as we were packing the camper. Around 10:30 we said good bye to the Coconut Resort and Cairns and headed the short 100 km drive to Etty Bay.
The drive was quite pleasant we didn't have that far to go so time was never a factor. We arrived in Etty Bay around noon, half set up camp then headed for some water falls. The beach here is terrific and we are only 40-50 meters from the beach, we considered staying here for the afternoon but it really wasn't beach weather. It wasn't cold but it had been raining on and off all the way here and the rain was threatening. We changed our minds several times as to exactly where we were going and then stumbled across the Mamu Tropical Skywalk so we stopped and walked the 2.5 kms through and across some of the most beautiful National park. There is a Cantilever which is 20 meters high, an elevated walkway 350 m long and just has high as the Cantilever and a tower which is 37 m high. The views across the tree tops is wonderful and the serenity was only broken by 2 kids that wanted to follow us around all day. We really did have a ball.
Upon arriving back at our camp site we discovered a cassowary roaming through the park and it wandered right beside our site. It was amazing to see a wild, endangered creature just looking around. They are really huge and it just disappeared into the bush. The rest of the day was the standard getting dinner and ready for bed.
Around 5:30 the rain became quite heavy and consistent. Still it's not cold, just a little annoying.
Interestingly the sound of the freeway near the Coconut Resort resembled the sound of the waves at the beach, and now that we are so close to the beach I'm amazed how close the two sounds are.
This is a very different park from the Coconut, there are few facilities but the beach is terrific, we now hope for beach weather while we are here.
10 July 2015
The rain was persistent and consistent throughout the night last night and continued through the morning. We had planned to go to Parenella Park today and we headed off as soon as we had had breakfast.
The people of Queensland have certainly been friendly. We were one of the first people at the park and we were treated by a lady named Jo who came out to the car park with umbrellas for us so we didn't have to walk in the rain. She pointed us in the right direction. We found out that we should have got a pass for the Skywalk and the Parenella Park together, still they didn't charge for the kids today and gave Cate and I a discount so I think we were better off.
We decided not to go on the 9:30 tour and join to 10:00 one instead. This gave us time to relax enjoy a hot chocolate and a coffee and have a look at the shop. Jo was also willing to have a good chat with Cate and the kids, talking mostly about Jo's experiences with the local crocs.
Parenella park was terrific. The tour went for around an hour and we were told the history of the place and how it had developed and changed over the last century. After the tour we had the opportunity to wander the park ourselves. The highlight for the kids was feeding the fish and the turtles. We were given some fish food at the beginning of the tour to feed them when we got to them.
There were 2 spectacular weaker falls in the park and some terrific buildings. We walked the many paths surrounded by some amazing trees and some well directed views of the waterfall. We enjoyed the park for a couple of hours before heading to the Mena Creek pub for lunch. The pub had a room with some toys and a TV, ironically Play School was on followed by some of the kids favourite ABC programs. We ate till we could eat no more then headed to the sugar museum near Etty Bay.
Aisha had fallen asleep so Cate waited with her while Ethan and I went in for a look. It was quite educational on the process of producing sugar and the local / Australian Cain industry. The museum is only small and we weren't too long, then back to the camper.
Throughout the day the rain has been on and off. At the camper Cate, Ethan and Aisha played some games in the camper while I sat under the awning and read. It was a very relaxing afternoon, it was a shame it was no where near beach weather, I think Etty Bay would be terrific if we could utilise the beach, it's very close and very clean and not very busy.
We had toasty sandwiches for dinner and decided to go back to Parenella Park for the night tour, we had enjoyed the tour during the night and they were heavily emphasising the night tour. It was included in the price of our daytime admission. We were a little disappointed with the night tour. There were some flood lights of the 2 waterfalls, the main waterfall was well lit up but I was really expecting more, the "grand finale" was little more than a poorly lit castle with some mood music.
It was just after 7:00 when we left there so straight back to Etty Bay for bed.
One thing Cate and I discussed today was how Ethan and Aisha have developed over the last 6-12 months. Ethan has really taken an interest in using the GoPro and the still camera and he is quite good at using both. Aisha is a lot more independent and wants to walk more than the last time we camped.
It's a shame we haven't been able to have a day at the beach here but the 2 tours we did were well worth it. Tomorrow we pack for Townsville. I'm really hoping the rain stays away while we are packing in the morning.
This morning was pack up day. We woke early and began packing bags and sleeping bags then went to breakfast by the pool, pancakes. The Coconut Resort really do things well. The was a large number of people wanting pancakes, yet the wait was not really that long. There were 3 guys attending 3 large BBQs, 3 people at the door of the pool gate writing names and where people live on stick name tags and another 2 guys mixing the pancake batter with cordless drills. They have been doing pancake breakfasts for a long time and they certainly have the procedure down pat.
The weather turned just after breaky and there were a few light showers as we were packing the camper. Around 10:30 we said good bye to the Coconut Resort and Cairns and headed the short 100 km drive to Etty Bay.
The drive was quite pleasant we didn't have that far to go so time was never a factor. We arrived in Etty Bay around noon, half set up camp then headed for some water falls. The beach here is terrific and we are only 40-50 meters from the beach, we considered staying here for the afternoon but it really wasn't beach weather. It wasn't cold but it had been raining on and off all the way here and the rain was threatening. We changed our minds several times as to exactly where we were going and then stumbled across the Mamu Tropical Skywalk so we stopped and walked the 2.5 kms through and across some of the most beautiful National park. There is a Cantilever which is 20 meters high, an elevated walkway 350 m long and just has high as the Cantilever and a tower which is 37 m high. The views across the tree tops is wonderful and the serenity was only broken by 2 kids that wanted to follow us around all day. We really did have a ball.
Upon arriving back at our camp site we discovered a cassowary roaming through the park and it wandered right beside our site. It was amazing to see a wild, endangered creature just looking around. They are really huge and it just disappeared into the bush. The rest of the day was the standard getting dinner and ready for bed.
Around 5:30 the rain became quite heavy and consistent. Still it's not cold, just a little annoying.
Interestingly the sound of the freeway near the Coconut Resort resembled the sound of the waves at the beach, and now that we are so close to the beach I'm amazed how close the two sounds are.
This is a very different park from the Coconut, there are few facilities but the beach is terrific, we now hope for beach weather while we are here.
10 July 2015
The rain was persistent and consistent throughout the night last night and continued through the morning. We had planned to go to Parenella Park today and we headed off as soon as we had had breakfast.
The people of Queensland have certainly been friendly. We were one of the first people at the park and we were treated by a lady named Jo who came out to the car park with umbrellas for us so we didn't have to walk in the rain. She pointed us in the right direction. We found out that we should have got a pass for the Skywalk and the Parenella Park together, still they didn't charge for the kids today and gave Cate and I a discount so I think we were better off.
We decided not to go on the 9:30 tour and join to 10:00 one instead. This gave us time to relax enjoy a hot chocolate and a coffee and have a look at the shop. Jo was also willing to have a good chat with Cate and the kids, talking mostly about Jo's experiences with the local crocs.
Parenella park was terrific. The tour went for around an hour and we were told the history of the place and how it had developed and changed over the last century. After the tour we had the opportunity to wander the park ourselves. The highlight for the kids was feeding the fish and the turtles. We were given some fish food at the beginning of the tour to feed them when we got to them.
There were 2 spectacular weaker falls in the park and some terrific buildings. We walked the many paths surrounded by some amazing trees and some well directed views of the waterfall. We enjoyed the park for a couple of hours before heading to the Mena Creek pub for lunch. The pub had a room with some toys and a TV, ironically Play School was on followed by some of the kids favourite ABC programs. We ate till we could eat no more then headed to the sugar museum near Etty Bay.
Aisha had fallen asleep so Cate waited with her while Ethan and I went in for a look. It was quite educational on the process of producing sugar and the local / Australian Cain industry. The museum is only small and we weren't too long, then back to the camper.
Throughout the day the rain has been on and off. At the camper Cate, Ethan and Aisha played some games in the camper while I sat under the awning and read. It was a very relaxing afternoon, it was a shame it was no where near beach weather, I think Etty Bay would be terrific if we could utilise the beach, it's very close and very clean and not very busy.
We had toasty sandwiches for dinner and decided to go back to Parenella Park for the night tour, we had enjoyed the tour during the night and they were heavily emphasising the night tour. It was included in the price of our daytime admission. We were a little disappointed with the night tour. There were some flood lights of the 2 waterfalls, the main waterfall was well lit up but I was really expecting more, the "grand finale" was little more than a poorly lit castle with some mood music.
It was just after 7:00 when we left there so straight back to Etty Bay for bed.
One thing Cate and I discussed today was how Ethan and Aisha have developed over the last 6-12 months. Ethan has really taken an interest in using the GoPro and the still camera and he is quite good at using both. Aisha is a lot more independent and wants to walk more than the last time we camped.
It's a shame we haven't been able to have a day at the beach here but the 2 tours we did were well worth it. Tomorrow we pack for Townsville. I'm really hoping the rain stays away while we are packing in the morning.
Saturday, 11 July 2015
29th June 2015
It was a very early night last night, and after I opened the camper the tiredness set in, I hit the sack around 9:00pm.
I woke early this morning to an overcast day. The temperature was extremely pleasent around 20 degrees, shorts and t-shirt weather. I went to the cafe and had a coffee then decided to go and have a look around Cairns. It wasn't to long before I really got sick of driving around and headed back to the park around 10:00.
The site I was in last night was not the site we would be in for the rest of our stay. I had to move the camper, which is why I didn't completely set up last night.
I took my time setting up, it took me until lunchtime.
I went down to the local IGA and shopped for dinner. There was a fast food section where you can buy dim sims, potato cakes and the like, I'd never seen that at a supermarket before.
I got back to the camper around 12:30 and decided to head for the pool. A quick swim then I got into the spa, it was brilliant, it was raining and the temperature of the water was perfect.
I returned to the camper and dried off then relaxed and read for the rest of the day, stopping to cook and eat dinner.
Throughout the day I called and text Cate and now look forward to them arriving tomorrow.
30 June 2015
To was great. I woke early went to the cafe for a coffee and waited for what seemed an eternity for Cate, Ethan and Aisha to arrive. They arrived spot on time 12:20.
We came straight back to the park and had a look around. Cate was booked for an hour massage at 2:30 so I took the kids to the water play park where they ran got wet and had a great time. Aisha fell over and grazed her knee so wanted to sit on my knee for a while. We then went to the spa where we waited for Cate to finish the massage.
When we got back to the camper we dried off and went for a tour of the park with one of the staff.
Dinner followed, BBQ, then we went to watch to outdoor movie. We only lasted half an hour before Aisha then Ethan wanted to go to bed.
All in all a great day.
1 July 2015
This morning was certainly the most pleasant since I've been here. There was no rain last night and very few clouds in the morning.
We decided to head to the Skyrail and to that trip. When we arrived there were a heap of people waiting and a lady working there suggested we book before we arrive. So we postponed the trip to Kuranda until tomorrow and booked the train and Skyrail until then.
The tablelands was on our itinerary while we were here so we loaded the car and set of for Atherton. We had a terrific drive, stopping off in Kuranda for a quick bit to eat, we'll see it all tomorrow, then a quick stop in Atherton and on to Malanda where we saw a turtle colony and took a quick walk in the bush before checking out a small waterfall.
Ethan was pleased to learn that most of the area had been built up by extinct volcanoes so we went for a drive to a lake. It was very spectacular created from the top crater of an extinct volcano. The water was very clear and the surrounding very green, breathtaking.
Leaving the lake we headed straight to the caravan park. Ethan and Aisha had been looking forward to going to the water park all day so we headed straight there. We spent just over an hour playing in the water before heading to the camper for dinner and the usual nightly routine.
An excellent way to spent the first real day here in the far north coast.
2 July 2015
Waking early this morning, we left the camper just after 7:30 for the Freshwater train station for the trip to Kuranda. We managed to become "geographically challenged" on the way ending up down a no through road surrounded by sugar cane. We did manage to get to the station in plenty of time to catch the train.
It was a terrific train ride. Very picturesque and comfortable. The kids really enjoyed going through the 15 tunnels along the way and I enjoyed hearing about the history of the track from its beginning.
The scenery was spectacular. At certain times the train slowed to allow passengers to take pictures, and we even stopped at the Barron Falls station for about 10 minutes. I think that was so more pictures could be taken.
Arriving at Kuranda we had a bit to eat and then a play on the play ground Ethan had spotted yesterday. That was great for the kids to have a run around because the train trip, although terrific, was about an hour and a half.
After that we walked the many markets and stalls. We told the kids they could choose 1 thing they really wanted to buy. Ethan chose a fridge magnet crocodile, and Aisha chose a ring for her pointer finger. At one point of the day there was a piano in the middle of the market and Ethan wanted to play. He passed me his crocodile, I managed to drop it and the magnet broke off the back. Luckily I'll be able to glue it back on.
We were booked on the 2:30 Skyrail trip back down the mountain. Again another spectacular experience. The views from above the tree line are hard to describe. The kids enjoyed the ride, laughing and giggling all the way. There is a stop along the way and an opportunity to travel a boardwalk. Then back on another Skyrail.
Half way down the second Skyrail Cate noticed that Aisha's new ring had fallen off and was now lost. Aisha handled it reasonably well.
We had a connecting bus ride of 10 minutes back to Freshwater Station and our car. Arriving back at the camper Ethan, Aisha and I headed to the water park where we played until 6:00. Boritos for dinner then bed. Another great day.
3 July 2015
Today we did nothing, literally nothing. It was one of those days where when reflecting nothing much really happened and nothing was achieved, but how perfect. A brilliant way to completely recharge the batteries.
Yesterday I noticed the GoPro waterproof case was cracked so this morning I searched Cairns for a new one and did some food shopping.
The afternoon was spent at the waterpark and the swimming pool. Effectively that was it. Totally relaxing and the kids had a ball all day.
What I haven't mentioned much this time is the weather. The first couple of days I was here there was quite a lot of rain. Although it seemed to be only drizzle, the gutters and grass got very wet very quickly.
The night before and the morning of Cate, Ethan and Aisha arriving there was heaps of rain, I went to Bunnings on the way to the airport and bought 2 large umbrellas, I used one on the way from Bunnings to the car and, ironically, we haven't used either since.
Everyday has been overcast with the sun popping its head through every now and again. When the sun is out it has a distinct sting about it. The temperature has been down to 20 odd at night, quite pleasant, and days a degree or 2 shy of 30.
I'm so glad to be here in July.
4 July 2015
We woke this morning to a relatively cloudless sky, however it wasn't long before the clouds rolled in.
We planned to head to Green Island today and by the time we reached the jetty at 8:00 it was quite overcast and very windy. The 45 minute boat trip to Green Island was very bumpy, the closer we got to the Island the rougher the sea became. The other 3 had different levels of sea sickness from feeling unwell to half filling one of the provided paper bags.
On the jetty at Green Island we were nearly blown right into the sea, it was amazing how the natural surroundings desipated the wind and you could feel no wind at all.
When booking the trip to the island there a choice between snorkel gear or a ride in a glass bottom boat. We decided that I would get the snorkel gear and Cate, Ethan and Aisha would take a glass bottom boat ride. While we were on the boat getting to the island they were placed in the 9:30 boat ride but with all three not feeling well decided to postpone the ride until the afternoon.
I had booked a beginner SCUBA dive which began at 9:30. We found a locker for our gear then I went to begin the "training". It was very short but thorough, several tips on the main things that could go wrong, then off to the pool for around 10 minutes practice before heading a output 1 km off the island to a reef. There was 1 instructor at 2 others on the dive.
Jumping from the boat we slowly descended around 10 meters. It was truely one of the most amazing experiences of my life. The coral was breathtaking, the fish were in many different colours, shapes and sizes and seemed to ignore the divers altogether.
It wasn't long before we came across our first turtle. It glided effortlessly through the water about a meter from us. Had a look and kept drifting. It was about 1 meter in total length and I find it difficult to explain what it's like just watching it swim by.
We saw several turtles in the half hour or so we were diving,coney were certainly a highlight. Being up close and personal with the coral, fish, giant clams and turtles was, again, amazing. I'm sure I'll get another opportunity to dive again.
Considering how rough it was at the surface, I'm guessing half to 1 meter swell, it was incredibly calm under the surface. The were a gentle ebb and flow that moved maybe 25 cm, it was quite rhythmic and soothing. The hardest thing at the beginning of the dive was getting balance and buoyancy right. Air in the vest in or out allowed for the correct buoyancy but I found getting 3 demential balance a challenge for the first 10 minutes or so. Fun and amazing.
When I got back to the island I found Cate and the kids, and we had some early lunch. They had gone for a walk through the island to the other side. By that time that clouds had cleared and the rest of the day was picture perfect with the exception of the wind. The temperature was around 28 and it was cloudless.
After lunch we took the glass bottom boat ride. With a wink from the lady at the information desk she gave me a ticket to ride with the others. The ride was very informative and although brilliant with what we could see I'd had the experience of the dive from the morning. Cate and Aisha sat a couple of turtles, Ethan and I missed them, still an terrific time and we managed to get through without feeling sick.
We then went to the beach on the north side of the island. There the wind was very light. The kids played in the sand building sand castles and rivers. Ethan was quick to realise that when he dug a trench from any part of the beach to the ocean, water immediately began to flow from the top, so he literally carver several rivers leading to the ocean.
I took the snorkel gear out for a while, again amazing what can be seen under the water so close to the beach. Cate then went for a snorkel as well. I haven't mentioned the water temperature, I was told this morning that it is currently around 22-23 degrees and when in the water it is quite warm. The wind when you get out does make it feel slightly cool.
Aisha then has a go at the snorkel gear. Unfortunately her head it still a little small and the goggles filled up with water. She did manage to have 1 breath out of the snorkel before bringing her head up.
Ethan then tried, a little more successfully. He was able to have several breaths and his goggles stayed free of water. He tried twice and then decided he had had enough.
It was getting close to departure time but we had time for a walk around the island, the entire island. It is incredible how small Green Island actually is. Then we headed for the jetty and the ride home.
The wind was still very strong so we were going to wait until out boat arrived before walking out and getting blown away again. I mistakenly took another boat for ours so we were out there earlier than we had wanted. We managed to get to the end of the jetty out of the wind to wait. When the boat arrived we were near the rear of the queue to get on. Unfortunately the boat reached capacity before we could board so we had to wait for the next one, luckily only 10 minutes.
The return trip to Cairns was uneventful, no one was sick and the closer we got the calmer it became.
Arriving at Cairns we put our bags in the car and headed to the Esplanade for dinner, pizza and ice cream. The atmosphere was terrific.
One thing that has shocked me about Cairns is the number of international people here. It is quite unusual to hear and Australian accent and with 1 solitary exception all the staff I encountered on the ride to, at and back from the island were from overseas. Predominantly Asian but certainly quite a number from America and the U.K. Most signs here have Chinese or Japanese writing as well.
That said, there was a sign near the Esplanade advertising fireworks tonight. I pointed it out to Cate and thought perhaps a Saturday night during school holidays, only when we got back did I realise that it is the 4th of July and with many U.S. People here they need to celebrate.
Today was a day I won't forget in a while.
5 July 2015
We woke to the sounds of the alarm this morning to get a head start on a long driving day. We left around 6:45, ate breakfast in the car and began driving to the Daintree Rainforest.
We stopped for a short while in Port Douglas for a snack at the award winning bakery. We crossed the Daintree river on the ferry and finished at the Daintree Discovery Centre. We had trouble paying as their electronic equipment kept failing. Once inside we were treated with audio recordings through individual hand held devices where a number is displayed through the walk and you dial it into a mobile phone type device and it plays a description of what you can see from that displayed number. It was very interesting and informative. Ethan got right into listening intently to the recordings and became frustrated if we wanted to stop for a picture because of his total engagement. It looks from the pictures that everyone is talking on a mobile and just looking at all the people in the Center you can be forgiven for thinking that.
Just before we crossed the river on the ferry we saw several hour trip companies offering crocodile spotting rides on the Daintree. We got to that location in time for a 1:15 trip. We saw 3 crocs, several snakes and and 3 wide mouth owls. It was incredible to see a 2-3 meter croc just sunning itself on the side of the river. Evidently she was relative small and young so I can imagine the size of a large one. An incredible experience seeing such a creature wild in its natural environment.
Next stop was the Daintree Village. On entering the village it's very much like a time warp. The youngest building would be at least 50 years old and nothing about the town gives a hint of being in the 21st century. I grabbed a coffee at the souvenir / general store / cafe / pub. A very interesting room to walk into. The town was quite busy and a small camping ground right in the town was relatively full.
Mossman Gorge was our next stop. We managed to walk all the tracks and have a good look around in a couple of hours. The scenery is spectacular. The forest walk is terrific, a well worn path with very few steps or boardwalks once you reach the main viewing platform. The kids did really well considering it's about a 4 km walk from beginning to end. Cate and I carried the kids for a short distance but the walked the vast majority of the way.
The bus you have to travel in to get to the gorge drives past a koorie mission. It's disappointing to see the community in such disrepair. Doors missing no curtains on any of the windows and several trashed cars in the front and back yards of houses. It really is not a good look for international tourists to the area.
We were all a little hungry by the time we left Mossman and we decided to make it to Palm Cove for dinner. We had Thai. The food was delicious, the service was poor, and for me, way to many vegetables.
It was past 7:00 by the time we left and with some very tired children in tow we headed for the camper, a quick routine and bed.
Again another brilliant day, we are all a little tired but today was well worth the effort. We got to some of the very spectacular parts our country has to offer.
6 July 2015
Woke to an overcast and cool morning today, there was a slight breeze making the 19° feel more like 18°, what a shame!
We really liked the look of Palm Cove last night but we didn't have time to look around due to the late hour we were there so decided to hear back there again today for a daytime look. First impressions are that it is very trendy and very much caters for tourists. The main boulevard along the beach has many restaurants and accommodation units and a vibe very relaxed and chilled.
There was a little rain as we arrived but it cleared to be a very pleasant sunny day. Ethan and Aisha just wanted to play at the park so they played until lunchtime. I wandered to the local caravan park for a look, unfortunately I was disappointed. Compared to the rest of the area it was nothing to really speak of, enough to said.
We ate at a cafe bar, had a delicious lunch then walked along the beach for some distance. The beach is very tranquil. Small waves meet a white sandy beach which meets palm trees, beautiful.
We left Palm Cove around 1:00 and headed back to Cairns stopping briefly at Rays Outdoors to buy a pack for us to take to the beach. The Esplanade beach pool was our next destination. We were very excited to be going there after seeing it on our return from Green Island and we were not disappointed. It is. Dry much like a clear lagoon with soft white sandy beaches leading into a huge pool. The water was excitement clean and had an excellent temperature.
The kids played in the sand had a swim and played in the sand. The sun was out and the 27° felt more like 30. It was a perfect afternoon at the beach and the hours rolled by very quickly.
On returning to the camper, I did the shopping while Cate took the kids to the water park again. We had promised the kids some time at the water park and a BBQ for dinner for 2 days buy with our busy schedule hadn't been able to deliver, tonight we did.
Cate bathed the kids while I cleaned the dishes and right now it is a very balmy evening, again another brilliant day.
There are a couple of observation to make about Cairns. Firstly the traffic. We noted that it is very much a larger country town rather than a small city. Everyone drives slowly and the mood is very relaxed. Secondly there is a definite lack of sunsets. Although it get darker later than at home there are huge mountains on the western side of the city which block the sun at around 4:30-5:00 resulting in no beautiful sunsets. It struck me tonight as I walked out of Coles that the sun had already gone behind the mountains. Thirdly, Cairns is obviously a starting or end point for people travelling to Cape York Peninsula, and this is the season for it. There are a large number of people either leaving for the Cape or on their way back. They stop here for a few days and then head to wherever in the country they reside.
7 July 2015
Another perfect day in paradise. Today was certainly the best weather we have had since this adventure began. It was mostly a cloudless day and the temperature reached 27° although in the direct sunlight it was quite hot. We certainly loaded up on sunscreen and we were seeking shade when not in the water.
A lazy morning followed by a ride on the 4 seater bike was the perfect start. We crused the caravan park and for the first time realised that there are several permanent residents here, I was totally surprised. We took it in turns of stealing the bike, although Ethan and Aisha couldn't peddle while they were stealing and Cate and I were not allowed to sit in the from so we took it in turns of walking while the kids steered.
That worked up enough of a sweet we had a quick bite to eat then headed to the water park. Again the kids really enjoyed the facilities. I think it's a highlight for them.
After some time they wandered over to the jumping pillow for a while and enjoyed playing hide and seek. They really get along so well and genuinely enjoy each other's company. It gives me great pleasure to see and hear them make each other laugh.
After the pillow we went back to the camper for lunch. I did some food shopping and returned just in time to head to one of the pools here.
We spent a good couple of hours swimming. I was throwing the kids in the air and they were standing on my shoulders then jumping off. We also slide down the water slide. The time in the pool was fantastic and is one of the most special times of the holiday so far.
We got back in time for dinner then the normal bedtime routine. It was a brilliant day and I could really get used to living in this type of climate.
8 July 2015
Today is our last full day here in Cairns. In preparation for this trip we had our list of things we wanted to do while we were here and we have done all we wanted. So today was very relaxed and low key.
Again the weather was terrific, the sun was out all day and there was little wind. In fact the sun was quite warm. We began the day with a visit to the water park. The kids have really enjoyed the facilities here and the water park in particular.
On the way back from the water park we stopped off at the playground for a while. Interestingly it was the first time we had been there all week. The kids knew it was there, there were just more interesting things to do.
Back at the camper we ate lunch and then headed to the Esplanade pool in town. It is a terrific facility complete with life guards, although the guy this afternoon was a little to enthusiast with the rules, I saw him tell off a 6 or 7 year old for having a foam kick board. The kids played in the sand and had a swim. It really was a picture perfect afternoon enjoying the sand, water and definitely the sun.
Tonight after dinner and bath and the kids went to bed, I went to the big screen outside and watched the rugby league state of origin decider. It was terrific to watch the game with so many Queenslanders. The atmosphere was amazing and the maroons won by a record margin.
I will be a little sad to pack up and leave here in the morning. It has been an amazing 10 days and the time seems to have flown, although it seems like an eternity ago since I made the drive here. Yet I'm looking forward to the rest of this FNQ trip
It was a very early night last night, and after I opened the camper the tiredness set in, I hit the sack around 9:00pm.
I woke early this morning to an overcast day. The temperature was extremely pleasent around 20 degrees, shorts and t-shirt weather. I went to the cafe and had a coffee then decided to go and have a look around Cairns. It wasn't to long before I really got sick of driving around and headed back to the park around 10:00.
The site I was in last night was not the site we would be in for the rest of our stay. I had to move the camper, which is why I didn't completely set up last night.
I took my time setting up, it took me until lunchtime.
I went down to the local IGA and shopped for dinner. There was a fast food section where you can buy dim sims, potato cakes and the like, I'd never seen that at a supermarket before.
I got back to the camper around 12:30 and decided to head for the pool. A quick swim then I got into the spa, it was brilliant, it was raining and the temperature of the water was perfect.
I returned to the camper and dried off then relaxed and read for the rest of the day, stopping to cook and eat dinner.
Throughout the day I called and text Cate and now look forward to them arriving tomorrow.
30 June 2015
To was great. I woke early went to the cafe for a coffee and waited for what seemed an eternity for Cate, Ethan and Aisha to arrive. They arrived spot on time 12:20.
We came straight back to the park and had a look around. Cate was booked for an hour massage at 2:30 so I took the kids to the water play park where they ran got wet and had a great time. Aisha fell over and grazed her knee so wanted to sit on my knee for a while. We then went to the spa where we waited for Cate to finish the massage.
When we got back to the camper we dried off and went for a tour of the park with one of the staff.
Dinner followed, BBQ, then we went to watch to outdoor movie. We only lasted half an hour before Aisha then Ethan wanted to go to bed.
All in all a great day.
1 July 2015
This morning was certainly the most pleasant since I've been here. There was no rain last night and very few clouds in the morning.
We decided to head to the Skyrail and to that trip. When we arrived there were a heap of people waiting and a lady working there suggested we book before we arrive. So we postponed the trip to Kuranda until tomorrow and booked the train and Skyrail until then.
The tablelands was on our itinerary while we were here so we loaded the car and set of for Atherton. We had a terrific drive, stopping off in Kuranda for a quick bit to eat, we'll see it all tomorrow, then a quick stop in Atherton and on to Malanda where we saw a turtle colony and took a quick walk in the bush before checking out a small waterfall.
Ethan was pleased to learn that most of the area had been built up by extinct volcanoes so we went for a drive to a lake. It was very spectacular created from the top crater of an extinct volcano. The water was very clear and the surrounding very green, breathtaking.
Leaving the lake we headed straight to the caravan park. Ethan and Aisha had been looking forward to going to the water park all day so we headed straight there. We spent just over an hour playing in the water before heading to the camper for dinner and the usual nightly routine.
An excellent way to spent the first real day here in the far north coast.
2 July 2015
Waking early this morning, we left the camper just after 7:30 for the Freshwater train station for the trip to Kuranda. We managed to become "geographically challenged" on the way ending up down a no through road surrounded by sugar cane. We did manage to get to the station in plenty of time to catch the train.
It was a terrific train ride. Very picturesque and comfortable. The kids really enjoyed going through the 15 tunnels along the way and I enjoyed hearing about the history of the track from its beginning.
The scenery was spectacular. At certain times the train slowed to allow passengers to take pictures, and we even stopped at the Barron Falls station for about 10 minutes. I think that was so more pictures could be taken.
Arriving at Kuranda we had a bit to eat and then a play on the play ground Ethan had spotted yesterday. That was great for the kids to have a run around because the train trip, although terrific, was about an hour and a half.
After that we walked the many markets and stalls. We told the kids they could choose 1 thing they really wanted to buy. Ethan chose a fridge magnet crocodile, and Aisha chose a ring for her pointer finger. At one point of the day there was a piano in the middle of the market and Ethan wanted to play. He passed me his crocodile, I managed to drop it and the magnet broke off the back. Luckily I'll be able to glue it back on.
We were booked on the 2:30 Skyrail trip back down the mountain. Again another spectacular experience. The views from above the tree line are hard to describe. The kids enjoyed the ride, laughing and giggling all the way. There is a stop along the way and an opportunity to travel a boardwalk. Then back on another Skyrail.
Half way down the second Skyrail Cate noticed that Aisha's new ring had fallen off and was now lost. Aisha handled it reasonably well.
We had a connecting bus ride of 10 minutes back to Freshwater Station and our car. Arriving back at the camper Ethan, Aisha and I headed to the water park where we played until 6:00. Boritos for dinner then bed. Another great day.
3 July 2015
Today we did nothing, literally nothing. It was one of those days where when reflecting nothing much really happened and nothing was achieved, but how perfect. A brilliant way to completely recharge the batteries.
Yesterday I noticed the GoPro waterproof case was cracked so this morning I searched Cairns for a new one and did some food shopping.
The afternoon was spent at the waterpark and the swimming pool. Effectively that was it. Totally relaxing and the kids had a ball all day.
What I haven't mentioned much this time is the weather. The first couple of days I was here there was quite a lot of rain. Although it seemed to be only drizzle, the gutters and grass got very wet very quickly.
The night before and the morning of Cate, Ethan and Aisha arriving there was heaps of rain, I went to Bunnings on the way to the airport and bought 2 large umbrellas, I used one on the way from Bunnings to the car and, ironically, we haven't used either since.
Everyday has been overcast with the sun popping its head through every now and again. When the sun is out it has a distinct sting about it. The temperature has been down to 20 odd at night, quite pleasant, and days a degree or 2 shy of 30.
I'm so glad to be here in July.
4 July 2015
We woke this morning to a relatively cloudless sky, however it wasn't long before the clouds rolled in.
We planned to head to Green Island today and by the time we reached the jetty at 8:00 it was quite overcast and very windy. The 45 minute boat trip to Green Island was very bumpy, the closer we got to the Island the rougher the sea became. The other 3 had different levels of sea sickness from feeling unwell to half filling one of the provided paper bags.
On the jetty at Green Island we were nearly blown right into the sea, it was amazing how the natural surroundings desipated the wind and you could feel no wind at all.
When booking the trip to the island there a choice between snorkel gear or a ride in a glass bottom boat. We decided that I would get the snorkel gear and Cate, Ethan and Aisha would take a glass bottom boat ride. While we were on the boat getting to the island they were placed in the 9:30 boat ride but with all three not feeling well decided to postpone the ride until the afternoon.
I had booked a beginner SCUBA dive which began at 9:30. We found a locker for our gear then I went to begin the "training". It was very short but thorough, several tips on the main things that could go wrong, then off to the pool for around 10 minutes practice before heading a output 1 km off the island to a reef. There was 1 instructor at 2 others on the dive.
Jumping from the boat we slowly descended around 10 meters. It was truely one of the most amazing experiences of my life. The coral was breathtaking, the fish were in many different colours, shapes and sizes and seemed to ignore the divers altogether.
It wasn't long before we came across our first turtle. It glided effortlessly through the water about a meter from us. Had a look and kept drifting. It was about 1 meter in total length and I find it difficult to explain what it's like just watching it swim by.
We saw several turtles in the half hour or so we were diving,coney were certainly a highlight. Being up close and personal with the coral, fish, giant clams and turtles was, again, amazing. I'm sure I'll get another opportunity to dive again.
Considering how rough it was at the surface, I'm guessing half to 1 meter swell, it was incredibly calm under the surface. The were a gentle ebb and flow that moved maybe 25 cm, it was quite rhythmic and soothing. The hardest thing at the beginning of the dive was getting balance and buoyancy right. Air in the vest in or out allowed for the correct buoyancy but I found getting 3 demential balance a challenge for the first 10 minutes or so. Fun and amazing.
When I got back to the island I found Cate and the kids, and we had some early lunch. They had gone for a walk through the island to the other side. By that time that clouds had cleared and the rest of the day was picture perfect with the exception of the wind. The temperature was around 28 and it was cloudless.
After lunch we took the glass bottom boat ride. With a wink from the lady at the information desk she gave me a ticket to ride with the others. The ride was very informative and although brilliant with what we could see I'd had the experience of the dive from the morning. Cate and Aisha sat a couple of turtles, Ethan and I missed them, still an terrific time and we managed to get through without feeling sick.
We then went to the beach on the north side of the island. There the wind was very light. The kids played in the sand building sand castles and rivers. Ethan was quick to realise that when he dug a trench from any part of the beach to the ocean, water immediately began to flow from the top, so he literally carver several rivers leading to the ocean.
I took the snorkel gear out for a while, again amazing what can be seen under the water so close to the beach. Cate then went for a snorkel as well. I haven't mentioned the water temperature, I was told this morning that it is currently around 22-23 degrees and when in the water it is quite warm. The wind when you get out does make it feel slightly cool.
Aisha then has a go at the snorkel gear. Unfortunately her head it still a little small and the goggles filled up with water. She did manage to have 1 breath out of the snorkel before bringing her head up.
Ethan then tried, a little more successfully. He was able to have several breaths and his goggles stayed free of water. He tried twice and then decided he had had enough.
It was getting close to departure time but we had time for a walk around the island, the entire island. It is incredible how small Green Island actually is. Then we headed for the jetty and the ride home.
The wind was still very strong so we were going to wait until out boat arrived before walking out and getting blown away again. I mistakenly took another boat for ours so we were out there earlier than we had wanted. We managed to get to the end of the jetty out of the wind to wait. When the boat arrived we were near the rear of the queue to get on. Unfortunately the boat reached capacity before we could board so we had to wait for the next one, luckily only 10 minutes.
The return trip to Cairns was uneventful, no one was sick and the closer we got the calmer it became.
Arriving at Cairns we put our bags in the car and headed to the Esplanade for dinner, pizza and ice cream. The atmosphere was terrific.
One thing that has shocked me about Cairns is the number of international people here. It is quite unusual to hear and Australian accent and with 1 solitary exception all the staff I encountered on the ride to, at and back from the island were from overseas. Predominantly Asian but certainly quite a number from America and the U.K. Most signs here have Chinese or Japanese writing as well.
That said, there was a sign near the Esplanade advertising fireworks tonight. I pointed it out to Cate and thought perhaps a Saturday night during school holidays, only when we got back did I realise that it is the 4th of July and with many U.S. People here they need to celebrate.
Today was a day I won't forget in a while.
5 July 2015
We woke to the sounds of the alarm this morning to get a head start on a long driving day. We left around 6:45, ate breakfast in the car and began driving to the Daintree Rainforest.
We stopped for a short while in Port Douglas for a snack at the award winning bakery. We crossed the Daintree river on the ferry and finished at the Daintree Discovery Centre. We had trouble paying as their electronic equipment kept failing. Once inside we were treated with audio recordings through individual hand held devices where a number is displayed through the walk and you dial it into a mobile phone type device and it plays a description of what you can see from that displayed number. It was very interesting and informative. Ethan got right into listening intently to the recordings and became frustrated if we wanted to stop for a picture because of his total engagement. It looks from the pictures that everyone is talking on a mobile and just looking at all the people in the Center you can be forgiven for thinking that.
Just before we crossed the river on the ferry we saw several hour trip companies offering crocodile spotting rides on the Daintree. We got to that location in time for a 1:15 trip. We saw 3 crocs, several snakes and and 3 wide mouth owls. It was incredible to see a 2-3 meter croc just sunning itself on the side of the river. Evidently she was relative small and young so I can imagine the size of a large one. An incredible experience seeing such a creature wild in its natural environment.
Next stop was the Daintree Village. On entering the village it's very much like a time warp. The youngest building would be at least 50 years old and nothing about the town gives a hint of being in the 21st century. I grabbed a coffee at the souvenir / general store / cafe / pub. A very interesting room to walk into. The town was quite busy and a small camping ground right in the town was relatively full.
Mossman Gorge was our next stop. We managed to walk all the tracks and have a good look around in a couple of hours. The scenery is spectacular. The forest walk is terrific, a well worn path with very few steps or boardwalks once you reach the main viewing platform. The kids did really well considering it's about a 4 km walk from beginning to end. Cate and I carried the kids for a short distance but the walked the vast majority of the way.
The bus you have to travel in to get to the gorge drives past a koorie mission. It's disappointing to see the community in such disrepair. Doors missing no curtains on any of the windows and several trashed cars in the front and back yards of houses. It really is not a good look for international tourists to the area.
We were all a little hungry by the time we left Mossman and we decided to make it to Palm Cove for dinner. We had Thai. The food was delicious, the service was poor, and for me, way to many vegetables.
It was past 7:00 by the time we left and with some very tired children in tow we headed for the camper, a quick routine and bed.
Again another brilliant day, we are all a little tired but today was well worth the effort. We got to some of the very spectacular parts our country has to offer.
6 July 2015
Woke to an overcast and cool morning today, there was a slight breeze making the 19° feel more like 18°, what a shame!
We really liked the look of Palm Cove last night but we didn't have time to look around due to the late hour we were there so decided to hear back there again today for a daytime look. First impressions are that it is very trendy and very much caters for tourists. The main boulevard along the beach has many restaurants and accommodation units and a vibe very relaxed and chilled.
There was a little rain as we arrived but it cleared to be a very pleasant sunny day. Ethan and Aisha just wanted to play at the park so they played until lunchtime. I wandered to the local caravan park for a look, unfortunately I was disappointed. Compared to the rest of the area it was nothing to really speak of, enough to said.
We ate at a cafe bar, had a delicious lunch then walked along the beach for some distance. The beach is very tranquil. Small waves meet a white sandy beach which meets palm trees, beautiful.
We left Palm Cove around 1:00 and headed back to Cairns stopping briefly at Rays Outdoors to buy a pack for us to take to the beach. The Esplanade beach pool was our next destination. We were very excited to be going there after seeing it on our return from Green Island and we were not disappointed. It is. Dry much like a clear lagoon with soft white sandy beaches leading into a huge pool. The water was excitement clean and had an excellent temperature.
The kids played in the sand had a swim and played in the sand. The sun was out and the 27° felt more like 30. It was a perfect afternoon at the beach and the hours rolled by very quickly.
On returning to the camper, I did the shopping while Cate took the kids to the water park again. We had promised the kids some time at the water park and a BBQ for dinner for 2 days buy with our busy schedule hadn't been able to deliver, tonight we did.
Cate bathed the kids while I cleaned the dishes and right now it is a very balmy evening, again another brilliant day.
There are a couple of observation to make about Cairns. Firstly the traffic. We noted that it is very much a larger country town rather than a small city. Everyone drives slowly and the mood is very relaxed. Secondly there is a definite lack of sunsets. Although it get darker later than at home there are huge mountains on the western side of the city which block the sun at around 4:30-5:00 resulting in no beautiful sunsets. It struck me tonight as I walked out of Coles that the sun had already gone behind the mountains. Thirdly, Cairns is obviously a starting or end point for people travelling to Cape York Peninsula, and this is the season for it. There are a large number of people either leaving for the Cape or on their way back. They stop here for a few days and then head to wherever in the country they reside.
7 July 2015
Another perfect day in paradise. Today was certainly the best weather we have had since this adventure began. It was mostly a cloudless day and the temperature reached 27° although in the direct sunlight it was quite hot. We certainly loaded up on sunscreen and we were seeking shade when not in the water.
A lazy morning followed by a ride on the 4 seater bike was the perfect start. We crused the caravan park and for the first time realised that there are several permanent residents here, I was totally surprised. We took it in turns of stealing the bike, although Ethan and Aisha couldn't peddle while they were stealing and Cate and I were not allowed to sit in the from so we took it in turns of walking while the kids steered.
That worked up enough of a sweet we had a quick bite to eat then headed to the water park. Again the kids really enjoyed the facilities. I think it's a highlight for them.
After some time they wandered over to the jumping pillow for a while and enjoyed playing hide and seek. They really get along so well and genuinely enjoy each other's company. It gives me great pleasure to see and hear them make each other laugh.
After the pillow we went back to the camper for lunch. I did some food shopping and returned just in time to head to one of the pools here.
We spent a good couple of hours swimming. I was throwing the kids in the air and they were standing on my shoulders then jumping off. We also slide down the water slide. The time in the pool was fantastic and is one of the most special times of the holiday so far.
We got back in time for dinner then the normal bedtime routine. It was a brilliant day and I could really get used to living in this type of climate.
8 July 2015
Today is our last full day here in Cairns. In preparation for this trip we had our list of things we wanted to do while we were here and we have done all we wanted. So today was very relaxed and low key.
Again the weather was terrific, the sun was out all day and there was little wind. In fact the sun was quite warm. We began the day with a visit to the water park. The kids have really enjoyed the facilities here and the water park in particular.
On the way back from the water park we stopped off at the playground for a while. Interestingly it was the first time we had been there all week. The kids knew it was there, there were just more interesting things to do.
Back at the camper we ate lunch and then headed to the Esplanade pool in town. It is a terrific facility complete with life guards, although the guy this afternoon was a little to enthusiast with the rules, I saw him tell off a 6 or 7 year old for having a foam kick board. The kids played in the sand and had a swim. It really was a picture perfect afternoon enjoying the sand, water and definitely the sun.
Tonight after dinner and bath and the kids went to bed, I went to the big screen outside and watched the rugby league state of origin decider. It was terrific to watch the game with so many Queenslanders. The atmosphere was amazing and the maroons won by a record margin.
I will be a little sad to pack up and leave here in the morning. It has been an amazing 10 days and the time seems to have flown, although it seems like an eternity ago since I made the drive here. Yet I'm looking forward to the rest of this FNQ trip
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